
Trump Says He Wants Us All ‘At Attention’ Like North Koreans

Cue the heavily-choreographed applause!

It seems like former President Donald Trump has been feeling a little bit salty ever since the debate. At that time, one of the remarks that appeared to irk him the most was the claim that people got bored at his rallies — so bored, in fact, that they left before the rally had even finished.

Whether this is actually true or not is unclear. People leave things early for a million reasons, and it’s just as likely that people wanted to simply beat the traffic as it is that they were bored seeing the man speak.

Regardless, the statement seems to have rocked him, apparently to the point where he’s now wishing for audience members to behave a little bit better. And who’s got a better audience than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un?

Yes, on a hot mic, Trump was discussing whether he would invite Kim to the White House. While saying that he would, he says that, when Kim speaks, “his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

That’s right, boys — if Trump’s back in office, get ready to get your posture in check!

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